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Best Neurologist in Sylhet Bangladesh

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Do You Want to Know About Best Neurology Specialist  Doctor in Sylhet Bangladesh, Best Neurologist in Sylhet Bangladesh, Best Neurology Specialist  Doctor in Sylhet Bangladesh, Who is the top 1 neurologist in Bangladesh?, Who is the best neuro doctor in the world?, What is a neurologist best for?, Top 5 Neurologist in Bangladesh, Who is the best Neurologist in Bangladesh, Best Neurology Hospital in Bangladesh, Top 10 Neuromedicine doctor in Bangladesh.

Some of Best Neurologist in Sylhet Bangladesh


Professor Dr. Aminur Rahman

MBBS, FCPS (Medicine), MD (Neurology), FRCP (EDIN),
 FICP (India), FINR (Switzerland), FACP (USA)
PhD Research Fellow (BUP), 
Trained Interventional Neuroradiology (Thailand)
Clinical and Interventional Neurologist & Medicine Specialist
Professor & Head, Department of Neurology
Sir Salimullah Medical College & Mitford Hospital

Chamber: Medinova Medical Services, Sylhet
98, New Medical Road, Kajolshah, Sylhet – 3100
Visiting Hour: 5pm to 8pm (Thursday) & 10am to 8pm (Friday)
For Appointment: +8801706655390
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